Scouting gives a boost to your studies and summer job applications
Open Badges (proficiency badges)
Scott has been the secretary of his scout group for two years. For his position, he has received an electronic Association Secretary Open Badge. With the badge and related certificate, Scott can demonstrate the competence he has acquired as the association’s secretary in diverse ways and append the badge to a CV, for example.
Scott will graduate from a university of applied sciences one year from now. He has discussed writing his thesis on a subject related to guiding and scouting with his instructor. Scott will prepare a study for which he will interview members of scout groups.
Practical training
Scott volunteered as an office manager at a camp called Roihu. He agreed, in advance, with his educational institution that he would conduct his two-week camp duty as part of the practical training period for his studies at the university of applied sciences.
Application for a summer job
Last year, when Scott was applying for a summer job, he thought how he could best express his go-to attitude and the things he had learned as a scout that are related to the summer jobs he applied for. And Scott managed to get the summer job he wanted the most!
Credit for training events
Scott attended the basic course for a scout leader last year and participated in a course for boat operators in the summer. For these training events, Scott received certificates from the Sivis Study Centre, which his university of applied sciences used to accredit the courses as part of his
elective studies. Scott received seven credits for the basic course for a scout leader, and the university granted three credits for the boat operator’s course.
International Experience Badge
The International Experience Badge is awarded to a person with experience in international operations. They are capable of international networking and communicating with people from different cultures. They are diversely interested in cultures and the global environment. They want to build friendship across borders.
Earn an International Experience Badge here!
Work life skills from scouting
What kind of skills do you get from scouting for work life? See videos and find out. English subtitles are available.
Finnjamboree gives know-how from any field on study
Volunteers working at Finnjamboree Roihu 2016 were all parts of society. Many students received part of their studies (ECTS credits), got researh material for thesis or did their training period.